So RSS should work now and is available at
RSS is great because it's paced social media at your pace. Sure communication doesn't always work both ways, but maybe that part of social media isn't good.
Along with the addition of RSS, the file formatting has changed. "Threads" are no longer a concept, they made some sense in grouping larger works but I don't write often enough to warrant that level of fancy. Hopefully the difficult decision of having both a thread and theme will no longer dissuade me from writing.
I've been using ChatGPT lately to help write stuff, not to write it for me, but to have it review my writing and give feedback. It's more effective than a rubber ducky. If just so I can have one entity that forces me to revisit and rewrite. I'm hoping that writing will get easier with time, that I'll be able to identify weak sentences and be able emotionally sway readers. At this point I'm probably just playing for space.